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Rainfall summary

Hydrologic Conditions Report

Year:       Month:        GO
December 2024

Rainfall measured in inches

Monthly Total Monthly Average Monthly Departure Prior Months' * Total Prior Months' * Average Prior Months' * Departure
Alachua 1.53 2.96 -1.43 48.39 51.67 -3.28
Baker 1.02 3.13 -2.11 48.06 53.20 -5.14
Bradford 1.34 2.91 -1.58 49.68 49.58 0.10
Brevard 2.15 2.29 -0.14 47.05 50.24 -3.20
Clay 1.29 2.70 -1.41 51.32 48.32 3.00
Duval 1.20 2.66 -1.47 54.91 50.57 4.34
Flagler 2.16 2.46 -0.30 57.57 52.04 5.53
Indian River 2.94 1.90 1.04 49.57 53.63 -4.07
Lake 1.41 2.42 -1.01 57.67 50.49 7.18
Marion 1.48 2.80 -1.33 55.03 52.10 2.93
Nassau 1.06 2.76 -1.70 60.90 51.27 9.63
Okeechobee 0.96 1.72 -0.76 45.62 48.82 -3.20
Orange 1.57 2.37 -0.80 54.71 51.72 2.99
Osceola 1.60 2.20 -0.60 47.31 49.19 -1.88
Putnam 1.49 2.81 -1.32 50.86 50.64 0.22
Seminole 1.93 2.39 -0.46 59.25 51.90 7.35
St. Johns 1.93 2.67 -0.74 55.04 51.24 3.80
Volusia 2.25 2.38 -0.13 60.05 51.06 8.99
District 1.71 2.54 -0.83 53.86 51.01 2.85

* Prior 12 months cumulative

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