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Rainfall summary

Hydrologic Conditions Report

Year:       Month:        GO
October 2024

Rainfall measured in inches

Monthly Total Monthly Average Monthly Departure Prior Months' * Total Prior Months' * Average Prior Months' * Departure
Alachua 3.29 3.01 0.28 54.89 51.67 3.22
Baker 1.74 3.18 -1.44 59.22 53.20 6.02
Bradford 3.43 3.13 0.30 56.88 49.58 7.30
Brevard 8.56 5 3.56 53.97 50.24 3.73
Clay 5.28 3.70 1.58 58.57 48.32 10.25
Duval 3.06 4.37 -1.31 63.43 50.57 12.86
Flagler 13.31 4.24 9.07 64.67 52.04 12.63
Indian River 7.66 5.84 1.82 55.86 53.63 2.23
Lake 11.19 3.11 8.08 65.31 50.49 14.82
Marion 7.38 3.15 4.23 61.81 52.10 9.71
Nassau 2.67 3.87 -1.20 68.71 51.27 17.44
Okeechobee 4.24 3.94 0.30 47.32 48.82 -1.50
Orange 9.77 3.94 5.83 62.84 51.72 11.12
Osceola 6.54 3.51 3.03 52.74 49.19 3.55
Putnam 8.17 3.82 4.35 57.83 50.64 7.19
Seminole 11.95 3.96 7.99 67.97 51.90 16.07
St. Johns 9.02 4.41 4.61 61.21 51.24 9.97
Volusia 15.37 4.27 11.10 68.22 51.06 17.16
District 8.41 4.01 4.40 61.29 51.01 10.28

* Prior 12 months cumulative

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